Documentary Series Ghislaine – Partner in Crime is a documentary series. It focuses on Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial in 2021 and uncovers explosive revelations. They are detailed by a member of the jury, survivors and lawyers. Those closest to the...
Ghislaine’s Saga Ghislaine’s Saga is an American Disgrace. Nothing justifies detaining anyone for five hundred days without conviction. The Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in New York is the federal institution that is taking all the heat with this...
China or Unions California has the largest economy in the US. With $3.2 trillion GDP, it is ranked fifth largest in the world at the turn of the Millennia. In its heydays, Hollywood was behind California’s rise to the prominence, hence it also contributed more...
Die Welt Here is an article, published by Sarah Pines in the leading daily Die Welt: Erbil & Daphne are the interviewees. They talk about their first-ever scripted movie. It involves Amy Winehouse which is based on the original content in the Daphne Barak Library....
Dark Horse After the two presidential elections in 2016 and 2020, it was clear to the majority in America. Business as usual in the elections would not have worked anymore. Free Press was no longer a universal voice. Hence what the traditional or social media was...
Erskine’s Special Guests This Week Daphne Barak & Erbil Gunasti on Struggling for One America CLICK HERE FOR THE BRAODCAST CLICK HERE FOR MORE Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti jointly appeared on the leading radio show, in Phoenix, Arizona. Erskine on...