Fighting For Peace Project

Fighting For Peace Project is a figment of imagination by Daphne Barak. She mentioned it to me in our long flight to Istanbul from Los Angeles early this summer (2024).

What was supposed to be an historical and a memorable journey quickly evolved into an extraordinary development. We made two more overseas flights to the region and beyond.

All in all, within two months, the simple idea on an innocent flight became a project. Now back home in California, it is shaping up to become a massive entertainment and media endeavor.


Baraksan Entertainment and Media, LLC will make the Fighting for Peace Project possible as a commercial venture. It will organize events with Legends. They will not be limited to America.

Comprehensive events will be opulent, entertaining, and organic. They will have private and public features. High society and dignitaries will be part of it. They will make difference with celebs and hosts.

Fighting For Peace Project

Where East Meets West

“Fighting For Peace” is not a political adventure. It is purely commercial. It will focus on entertainment and news values. The combination is expected to be dynamic because Legends will be part of it.

East will Meet West and vice versa. They will both learn from one another. We believe they have never been in this close proximity to one another before like we will make it for them in this occasion.

It Is Not About Wars

In light of two never ending wars, displacing millions, “fighting for peace” would be the right thing to do. Considering how inhumane it is to allow such wars to take place, no one human can end them either.

However, as Baraksan Entertainment and Media, LLC, we plan to be conscious of the suffering. If “Legends” were to indulge to put their weight, they will be welcomed to employ our platform for the purpose.

Having said that, we nevertheless will be limited to entertainment and media aspects of the events. Yet, promoting the good will of the host countries will also be our priority. We are familiar with their deeds to the peace process.

Meeting Places or Meetings Themselves

As for “East Meets West”, that is the whole purpose of this attempt. Creating a platform where East can meet West and vice versa will be the single biggest goal. Who will be meeting there is the question.

They could surely be among the entertainment and media world as the name suggests. However, there may not be limitations. There is plenty to explore in the rapidly and ever-changing world of ours on Planet Earth.

What will the accomplishment be when both sides meet has been one pertinent question. We have no expectation other than to make the events fun, prosperous, and with common sense.

Fighting For Peace Project

Figment of Imagination and Daphne Barak

Daphne Barak needs no introduction. Ahmet San does not either. Then there is me for whatever it is worth. The idea came from Daphne, and we agreed. However, it transformed with some priorities and sensitivities.

We expect to roll it out soon. Next announcements will reveal names, dates, and locations. This is the first ever post on the subject and there is also a video to this to give a hint as to what may be involved.

It Is About Them

This project is about extraordinary individuals and what they care about. We are to accommodate them to their comfort level but also to the pleasure of those who would like to host them, private and public.

Since it is by invitation only, the attendees: performers or patrons will appreciate the decorum and atmosphere. Since there is enough chaos and wars out there, peace of mind is what is needed will be prevalent.

In this environment, their message will reverberate and perhaps help soothe the pain and suffering of the victims. We on our part will ensure that they can spread their message the best and effective way possible.

Why Not to Reveal More Now

First of all, it is a massive project. It is not possible to explain everything with one post. After all, the word “peace” alone is something hard to come across these days, considering the two wars that began in 2021.

“Fighting” for it must be even a lot more difficult to explain and understand. Not that we will be “fighting” anything but to make this project entertaining for everyone involved, as well as making it a profitable economic activity.

Finally, it is a good idea to watch the video that is associated with this post. It is also our first of two. In the other below, Daphne is speaking to the microphone for two minutes to explain it more from one perspective.

Fighting For Peace Project

Fighting For Cancer Research

Having introduced our “Fighting For Peace” project, it is also important to note. Daphne Barak made this journey in the entire time after her cancer operation at the UCSD. We returned just in time for her though chemotherapy session.

This second video in specific for that purpose, showing what we did since we returned and took a break from the “Peace” project, for a piece of mind at home in California.

God willing, we will be at work in a few weeks, so we can reveal what our project is.