Thriller Series NFTs The series of Michael Jackson Thriller NFTs consists of six drops. The narrative in this series, developed by Daphne Barak, is important to note. It puts the adult and most accomplished life of the superstar into a perspective. It does not delve...
Saving Amy Legacy Saving Amy Legacy Series now available at Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) market place. A series of six drops in successive weeks is the plan. The first, adoringly named “Mona Lisa Amy,” was already dropped on 23 July. Amy Winehouse, with a...
Erskine’s Special Guests This Week Daphne Barak & Erbil Gunasti on Struggling for One America CLICK HERE FOR THE BRAODCAST CLICK HERE FOR MORE Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti jointly appeared on the leading radio show, in Phoenix, Arizona. Erskine on...
America: Time To Wake Up Struggling for One America in bookstores since July 2021 and reportedly doing well from the first day on. “It is time for America to wake up” according to Erbil Gunasti, the co-author. The other author of the newly released book is...
Lots More To Come! In northern Europe, summers are called “Cucumber Season.” It means not much work and it is time to go to country houses or spend time on the beaches. It is a culture so to speak that does not apply to those that come from the...
Daphne Barak made an appearance on the Spicer & Co NewsMax Television Show on November 11th, 2020. Sean Spicer & Lyndsay Keith host the show on weekdays at 6 pm & 9 pm ET. Click here for the interview Daphne talked about President Trump. She also...