Erbil Gunasti, aka Bill Gunasti, ran for Mayor in Palm Springs in 2015. Gunasti embarked on this venture exactly when Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for president. With that, Gunasti became a registered Republican and dedicated Trump delegate right there and...
To Plea or Not To Plea, authored by Daphne Barak, Director of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film 2020. Daphne Barak reveals why Rick Gates pled guilty in the Mueller probe and the lasting repercussions of this ordeal. Rick Gates joined the Trump...
Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the USA, represents one side of divided America, having won the 2016 presidential elections against Democrat Hillary Clinton. The “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film reflects the “divided America” but it...
Erdogan & Trump Erbil Gunasti is a film and television producer and a geo-political subject matter expert. He ran for mayor in Palm Springs in 2015. Same year Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President. Gunasti became his committed delegate in 2016, and...
What is Next? Daphne Barak is a news innovator, film and television producer, and geo-political subject matter expert. Soon, she will also be “Daphne Barak Movie Maker”. Barak optioned her Amy Winehouse intellectual property for a movie series. It included...