Erskine Radio aired a broadcast with Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti, Director and Producer, respectively of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film. Click the link below for the radio program and audio for the interview with Daphne Barak and Erbil...
Interview with Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti on Trump vs Hollywood Pastor Greg Young conducted an interview with Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti, Director and Producer, respectively of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary. Click the link below to...
Audrey Russo conducted an interview with Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti, Director and Producer, respectively of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary. Here is the interview: Joining Audrey for this...
GameChanger Trump Card Turkey & Erdogan, book by Erbil Gunasti, portrays Donald Trump, the 45th president of the US as a “GameChanger.” The book also bestows similar accolades to Turkey & Erdogan. Japanese leadership also believes in the message...
Daphne Barak penned “Mama Sarah Obama: Our Dreams and Roots” in California in 2013. Mama Sarah is the paternal grandmother of the 44th president of the US, Barack H Obama. Barak, with her life partner Erbil Gunasti, Director and Producer of the...