Money B, the rap mogul according to the editor of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary, released in October 2020, joined Daphne Barak, Director of the film at the Pasteur Greg Young radio show: “Chosen Generation.” Ronald Brooks, better known...
Gary Garver conducted an interview with Daphne Barak, Director of “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film, released in October 2020, prior to the 2020 presidential elections for a sneak preview. It will be widely distributed across global streamers on...
ENTRETENIMIENTO Los famosos se suman a las elecciones, pero unos pocos apoyan a Trump Dennis Quaid (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) Estas son las celebridades que están con el Presidente By EFE OCT. 26, 2020 8:01 AM En estas decisivas elecciones, las celebridades...
MOVIES October 19, 2020. Stars Like Dean Cain and Scott Baio Talk Politics in New Documentary ‘Trump vs. Hollywood’ Dean Cain, Scott Baio and others are speaking out, in a new political documentary called “Trump vs. Hollywood,” about the tense divide between pro and...
OCTOBER 23, 2020 9:00 am PT by Chris Gardner ‘Trump vs. Hollywood’: Brett Ratner, Kristy Swanson and Scott Baio Among Talking Heads in New Doc SORBO: DAVID LIVINGSTON/GETTY IMAGES. SORBO HAT: OLIVER CONTRERAS – POOL/GETTY IMAGES. CAIN: TARA...
Todd Anthony Shaw (born April 28, 1966), better known by the stage name Too Short (stylized as Too $hort), is an American rapper and record producer famous for his rap lyrics’ focus on pimping, promiscuity, drug culture, street survival, as in the songs ...