Gary Garver conducted an interview with Daphne Barak, Director of “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film, released in October 2020, prior to the 2020 presidential elections for a sneak preview. It will be widely distributed across global streamers on December 14, 2020. Barak conducted all interviews with 24 pro and against Trump interviewees.

Gary Garver is a radio veteran of over 25 years, 18 of which were spent working at 97.1 KLSX in Los Angeles as a rock disc jockey, producer, and talk show host. Gary worked with the Howard Stern show for 16 years and spent over ten years as Howard Stern’s Celebrity reporter in Hollywood.

Earlier in the year, at the Lincoln Club, Gary Garver and Don Dix, two of the California favorite radio hosts joined Barak and her partner, and producer of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary, Erbil Gunasti, during their book signing event for “To Plea or Not To Plea” and “Gamechanger” respectively.