A documentary series, executive produced by Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti. Released four one-hour-long documentaries, namely “Maestro at Home,” “Citizen Shimon,” “America’s Son: JFK Jr.,” and “The Kid from...
CALI Docu FILM, founded by Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti to develop original content documentary films. In 2020, Gunasti/Barak also started to focus on dramatic motion pictures alongside their documentary film ventures for the first time. Books are written by Gunasti...
To Plea or Not To Plea, authored by Daphne Barak, Director of the “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film 2020. Daphne Barak reveals why Rick Gates pled guilty in the Mueller probe and the lasting repercussions of this ordeal. Rick Gates joined the Trump...
The “Trump vs Hollywood” documentary film directed by Daphne Barak, produced by Erbil Gunasti is dedicated to Sevim Gunasti Also known as Project 2045, Trump vs Hollywood began with Sevim’s blessings and she passed within a few months when the...